Literally tens of thousands of volunteers sprang into action. A who’s who of Canadian rock legends volunteered to come together to raise fund for The Calgary Foundation, a group dedicated to helping Southern Alberta with funding community projects and initiatives.
In the aftermath of the devastating, 500 year flood of 2013, Calgary, Canmore and their respective surrounding communities, were reeling with confusion, grief, loss and shock at the effects this force of nature had on their lives and those of their neighbours. True to the roots of our Western Canadian heritage of helping out, literally tens of thousands of volunteers sprang into action, mobilizing one of the largest team of volunteer labour forces Canada has ever produced. In aid of the people whose lives were literally wiped out and in honour of those Calgarians and others who so selflessly pitched in to help, Peter Jurisic, our associate at Ci voluntarily produced The Flood Aid Concert, a rock concert held at McMahon Stadium in Calgary. When the mud dried, over two million dollars was raised through this concert.